A musical journey with the being of the inner earth…Songs of creation that enable the new. In communion with the Earth – A Symphony of Creating, Being and Becoming Many of you know that in January 2016 we spent a glorious couple of days in a recording studio on the edge of the Lancashire and Yorkshire dales.
We experienced the creation of the music as a sublime co-creation with the Earth and the Cosmos, allowing it to arise in the moment – in a state of communion with All of Life.We asked this music to play us to assist both the human and the Earth’s evolution.
We then lived with this music for one year – listening while journeying and being – allowing the music to inform as as to how it would like to contribute to the Earth and be shared with the world. We and our friends who have journeyed with this music have experienced the Earth responding to the sounds, the land itself rising to meet us and we also experienced ourselves coming into greater coherence physically molecularly as well as expanded states of consciousness and awareness.
After one year we have finally received the format through which this music as frequency transmissions would like to be shared in new ways: We have offered 4 online sound attunement sessions, where – similar to online sound weaving – where we introduce each of the Resonance Rooms and enter together into an attuned space.
The invitation is into a greater communion with the Earth and with our own embodiment, allowing a molecular and cellular shift towards greater coherence and awareness – together creating a powerful vibrational field amplified by all of us through which more becomes possible for us and for the Earth .
If you would like on or all the recordings of these attunement sessions a Space of Communion (sound sample).We are offering the recordings of these sound attunement sessions where those who were present share their experiences as mp3 recordings in addition the music downloads of the Resonance Rooms : Series of Sound Attunements:£15 per frequency transmission / Resonance Room Sound Attunement if bought individually (if you use this option, please let us know which Resonance Room you are purchasing).or £55 for the Recordings of the series if bought together as a bundle or email us for other payment arrangements or any questions: gabriellasongbird@peacetrails.com Alternatively if you would like to purchase the Resonance Rooms independently of the Online Sound Attunement Sessions , you can find them here: Click here
The invitation of these attunements is to come with us into a resonance chamber where you can enter into communion with the Earth, with your own embodiment, allowing a molecular and cellular shift towards greater coherence and awareness. Together we will deepen our experience and communion with Earth and Cosmos. “This music takes sound healing to a new level.
Rather than healing this is communion and becoming – an invitation to a whole new way of being and creating with the Earth.” One of the many awesome experiences of the Sound Attunements: ‘The attunement session was mind boggling. I was in a sweet space of being and so moved. My whole live is shifting and I am changing. I am beginning to shift things I didn’t think were possible to shift. I see things shifting in me, at a rapid rate, and see others touched.I am so very grateful.’ N