Are you sensing there is more you could be and create?
Are you looking to change something but can’t quite get a handle on how to do it?
Feeling a overwhelmed, out of sorts or just not quite functioning at the level you would like to?
Is there an issue you are dealing with you can’t quite get hold of or shift that might have its roots somewhere you can’t get to with your cognitive mind?
Would you like to feel more aligned with who you truly are and can be?
Or would you simply like a little more magic in your life?
If you relate to any of this, you might benefit from a One to One Session
In a session we work with the energy beyond the cognitive mind, follow the energy pathways and create new ones and through awareness and vibrational tools
The sounds assist to release the patterns and energies in your body and energy field that are not congruent with what you are asking for and create vibrational pathways assisting you to be and live the new vibrational field of Being that is more congruent with who you truly are and wish to be.
What others say:
The sound weaving is very powerful . I have more energy, am drawn to healthy foods and no longer have the craving to go to desserts after dinner. I woke this morning knowing that the first thing I wanted to do was listen to the soundweaving…It feels like a great yet subtle shift is occurring.
J.C. writer, consultant NY (session was to increase habits of health & wellbeing)
‘Absolutely stunning, heartfelt, changing me, changing everything.’
There’s been a big shift since our session last week I’ve had two really incredible offers of work.’
A.B. Wales mum
I have been on a powerful journey through sound with Gabriella
having booked 3 sessions with her over 7 weeks. My last session felt like the culmination of this pilgrimage to my highest vibrational self. I shall cherish the recording of it to anchor its gifts further and integrate the ripples of this magical healing. Gabriella is a master at her craft and a clear channel of Divine Love.
Deep bow of gratitude to the Universe for making this extraordinary experience possible. Kalyani, Yorkshire
What you can expect:

- More coherence, Openings and Movement in areas of life that have been stuck
- Feeling lighter as stuck patterns are releasing, Perception of greater
- Feeling reconnected to a deep remembering of where we come from
- Feeling more aligned with who you truly are, Relaxation, Increase in
What has been experienced:
- Release of pain and blockages.
- A change and improvement in physical symptoms
- A shift in the issue that has been worked on
- A total transformation in life over time.
- New ways of being and relating to life.
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