In Support of Africa's Lions

In Support of Africa's Lions


Join the United March for our Global HeritageLions are the world’s most iconic animal, King of species, directly associated with leadership, dignity, pride, and good governance. Yet this majestic living heritage is brutally destroyed by international trophy hunting syndicates treating Africa’s dying heritage as a commodities market, at a rate that will not survive our generation, let alone our children’s.

This is a very urgent appeal on behalf of South Africa’s lions and our world heritage, which is on the brink of an international disaster even greater than the rhino crisis.On March 15th 2014, 45 cities around the world will march to raise awareness of the plight of South Africa’s lions and to shed light on the notorious Canned Lion hunting industry, which slaughters tamed lions in cages. Canned Hunting is now a widespread, merciless, and unpoliced malpractice which breaks every conceivable law in animal rights despite years of dedicated campaigning against it by our organization and others.

Now, organizations around the world are uniting behind this cause.

Join the March at the city nearest to you, and send this posting out immediately to your mailing list.

3 Global movements are converging:

Global March : 15th March 2014

A worldwide campaign led by the international advocacy organization AVAAZ, which has already gathered nearly 1.5 Million signatures worldwide calling for a prohibition of South Africa’s death-trade in lions and lion parts. On the back of the above two campaigns, an international call for a boycott of South African tourism. Should this 3rd campaign gain momentum, the threat to the South African economy and tourism is extremely serious. Click here For Join

Join the United March for our Global Heritage 

The large-scale export of lion parts to China
The importation of lion parts and “trophies” to USA and EU

Join the March at the city nearest to you, and send this posting out immediately to your mailing list.

3 Global movements are converging:

Global March : 15th March 2014

A worldwide campaign led by the international advocacy organization AVAAZ, which has already gathered nearly 1.5 Million signatures worldwide calling for a prohibition of South Africa’s death-trade in lions and lion parts

On the back of the above two campaigns, an international call for a boycott of South African tourism. Should this 3rd campaign gain momentum, the threat to the South African economy and tourism is extremely serious.

For more info: Click here