26 Jun Creating Coherence and Gold Consciousness at a time of breaking unions and huge change
What is the true meaning of being sovereign?
The UK has voted to step out of the European Union. What does this symbolise and mean to the larger picture and to many of us personally? one thing is sure; it will have huge ripple effects worldwide. Unions are dissolving into smaller units….
What are borders? and how did we make them real? The land , the Earth , the sky has no borders but transitions into different states of being where Earth meets sky or sea, river or mountain….
So many who are displaced and seeking new places to be. The vast migrations are continuing and amplifying. I heard two voices in the last couple of days that stood out to me:
One spoke of our response to any situation creating and shaping our reality. So if we focus on the despair and sadness and what might be wrong we could create just that. Yet if we respond with openness and questions as to what can we create from here? What new possibilities might present themselves that have not been here before? What could and can we create and shape?
Another voice spoke of the splitting of the worlds of those who choose to live in harmony with the Earth and consciousness being asked to be completely fluid and unattached to any forms and boundaries, while those trying to hold on to form and preserve structures might create more tightness. How do we navigate this ?
Gold Consciousness: the pure vibration of gold and the consciousness it represents
We have been shown through our attunenements that the original purpose of gold in the place of a crown or in the hands of rulers, kings and queens was to assist them to attain and maintain a vibrational state of consciousness that would act and think for the greater good, for the good of the whole – the earth, the nation, the cosmos and all of life. We were also shown that throughout the ages the vibration dropped and has not been able to be maintained – in fact has been distorted and turned on its head making gold the symbol for personal gain and power over.
As described in the blog about our songlines journey -especially through South Africa we have been invited to work with and retrieve the true vibrational essence of gold
So at this time of countries and nations going tribal and wishing to become separate and sovereign, we invite the true meaning of sovereign as being fully responsible (response able) and acting and thinking for the good of the whole – including the Earth, All Beings, Nature and Future generations. On the day of the UK referendum regards the UK’s relationship to the European Union I was moved to craft a singing bowl of pure gold with the intention to invite the consciousness of Gold.
Utterly stunning, in the presence of the sound of the golden bowl i feel the irrepressible joy of embodied, sentient life on such a precious, gorgeous planet. I feel the pull of YES WE CAN!!! and the clarity of opportunities for more love, compassion, empathy and wisdom in the post-making-of-the-golden-bowl future.
You truly chose an auspicious day to make this bowl. H.TB
Wow! That’s stunning, It makes me feel vast. I hear a calling in its sound, a quality that demands attention – wake up!!. My skull has gone all tingly, and I realize I was holding my breath with my mouth open. I love the birdsong accompaniment.
Thank you for co-creating it. I wonder what it can contribute to the future of our planet? J.G
Wow. I’ve never heard a sound like this: