The Bowl of Creation and The Creation of the Blue Earth Bowl


The Bowl of Creation and The Creation of the Blue Earth Bowl

The Bowl of Creation and the Creation of the blue earth bowl

When the reactor at Fukushima started this ongoing catastrophe of radiation pollution on the planet, we had a very strong question about what it was we could do to assist the Earth and the consciousness on the planet for this dis-aster to become a contribution to the evolution.

We saw that our greatest contribution at that time was to craft instruments in conscious co-creation with the Earth and the consciousness of the universe – creating vibrational morphic fields of possibility that would invite new organisms, able to deal with and transform radiation and pollution, enable shifts in consciousness that would allow humans to live in partnership with the Earth and other species. invite new ideas, inventions, possibilities, solutions … from a different level of consciousness.

Seven of us came together for a week of crafting at the beautiful Allanton World Peace Centre – home of the peace-poles and first peace pole henge… in September 2014 to craft instruments in conscious co-creation. We were held by the community and land of the centre in a wonderful supportive field. One of the singing bowls I crafted during this time was a medium large bronze bowl that took me on an amazing journey during its creation process.

It took me right into the creative force present inside the nucleus of a cell and an atom – and at the same time out into space where stars are being birthed and to the field of creation – by some called ‘the white field’. The consciousness of the white lions joined me there and they contributed to the crafting of this bowl, which occurred in the auric field of a glorious cedar tree.

The sound and vibration of this bowl is making the creative field available This bowl has travelled around the globe with me on our songlines journey – blessing us and the Earth with its presence and vibration. Yet when it returned to its place of birth in 2016 for singing bowl making retreat at the Allanton World Peace Centre, its energy seemed to open up to another level of vibrational presence – s if more of its potency had woken up.

Several people were deeply moved by its tone and the vibrational reality it created.

I realised that bowls can not only change but also grow in their potency and emanation.

Inspired by this bowl 2 more bowls were called forth.

One was a commission from an elder from the Findhorn greater community who asked for a bowl for the Earth. During the process of its making it received the name : The Blue Earth Bowl.